I-SHARE Foundation
Innovating Solutions for HealthCare Access Research and Education
Financial Assistance Program
for Renal Transplant Patients Hospitalised with Intercurrent Illness
Project Background
Renal transplant recipients may need hospitalisation for a variety of reasons. Primarily expected to be at higher risk for various infections followed by cardiovascular disease, acute kidney injury, drug related side effects and neoplasia. We foresee an increased financial burden for transplant patients fighting these illnesses and having been through the arduous procedure of transplantation and immunosuppressive medication, we want each patient to have a fighting chance if faced with the difficulty of hospitalisation.
Program Supporters
I-SHARE Foundation has received a financial grant from Bellwether Capital, Mumbai to run this financial assistance program.The program is being directed by Dr. Meetali Bidaye - Consultant Nephrologist and Co Director of I-SHARE Foundation.I-SHARE Foundation welcomes individual donors and Corporate CSR Programs to collaborate with us to grow this project.
Program Beneficiaries
Financially challenged renal transplant recipient admitted with an intercurrent illness. Assistance of up to Rs 50,000/- may be available per patient. Approvals are subject to background study of individual cases and limited to availability of funds from the grant. The current project will cover hospitals in Pune.
Program Contacts
Patients are requested not to contact the foundation directly and are advised to go through the hospital social workers or charity departments
Hospital Social workers, Transplant Coordinators, Nephrologists or Infectious Disease Specialists are requested to refer eligible patients to I-SHARE Foundation.
Program Coordinator:
Mrs Sujata Mane +91 86001-40011
Program Director:
Dr Meetali Bidaye +91 88888-19210
Email: isharefoundation@gmail.com
Application Process
Hospital social workers, Nephrologists, Infectious Disease Specialistis or Hospital Charity Departments are requested to email i-sharefoundation@gmail.com.
Fund Disbursement Process
I-SHARE Foundation will contact the hospital social worker on the status of the application. If the application is approved, funds will be disbursed to the hospital account against pending medical bills. No funds will be given to the patients directly.
I-SHARE will attempt to disburse funds in all fairness without discrimination on first cum-first serve basis but reserves the right to assess medical and financial need. Aid is subject to availability of funds.
Patients are requested not to contact the foundation directly and are advised to go through the hospital social workers or charity departments
Who can apply for the grant?A financially challenged hospitalized renal transplant recipient affected by any intercurrent illness. The patient needs to have been admitted to a hospital in Pune, wherein the hospital will need to produce details of admission with ongoing treatment.
What is meant by ‘financially challenged’?The patient will need to produce evidence of need i.e. income certificate/ration card red or orange or bank statements over the last 6 months from primary account which show income less than Rs. 1,00,000 (One Lac) per year.
Can any renal transplant patient apply for the grant?The grant is limited for disbursement only to a financially challenged hospitalised renal transplant recipients affected by intercurrent illness.
What is the financial assistance provided by the grant?The program will offer assistance of up to Rs 50,000/- to a financially challenged hospitalised renal transplant recipient affected by COVID-19.
What are the documents required for submission of the application form?Documents include (1) Filled application form, (2) Aadhar card/Driver’s license, (3) Income certificate and (4) Ration card copy.
Where can the application form be submitted?The application form and supporting documents may be sent via email to isharefoundation@gmail.com or may be submitted to the hospital social worker. I-SHARE Foundation will not entertain any direct contact with patients and families.
What is the grant approval process?The forms and credibility of source will be confirmed by the treating hospital social worker. Once all checks are done the social worker at the hospital or the charity department as appropriate will contact I-SHARE Foundation to approve the request. I-SHARE will attempt to disburse funds in all fairness without discrimination on first cum-first serve basis but reserves the right to assess medical and financial need. Aid is subject to availability of funds.
When will the grant amount be disbursed?Once the I-SHARE team has approved the application they will get in touch with the social worker of the hospital and funds will be transferred to the hospital bank account in the next 3 working days. Patient will be informed through the hospital social worker.
Where will the grant amount be sent?No money will be exchanged directly with the patient. It will be deposited in the bank account of the treating hospital.
Who is financing the grant?The grant is being financed by I-SHARE Foundation, through a donation received from Bellwether Capital, Mumbai (www.bellwethercapital.in).
What is the duration for this grant?Once the initial grant money for this project is depleted, no further help can be offered until a new grant is available.
Can I make a donation towards this project?Yes. We welcome individual donors, CSR programs of Corporates to collaborate with us. All donations to I-SHARE Foundation are tax exempt udner provisions of 80G. We can only accept donations in Rupees from Indian bank accounts at this time. Please contact us if you would like to contribute to this project.